On August 8, 2014, amidst Israel's destructive summer assault on the Gaza Strip ("Operation Protective Edge"), members of JVP Philadelphia occupied the lobby of the Jewish Communal Services Building on Arch St. in Center City, Philadelphia, which houses the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.
Earlier that summer, the Federation staged a large pro-war rally in LOVE Park, abdicating its responsibility to represent the broad diversity of voices within the Jewish community. As dozens of other JVP members demonstrated outside the building, those inside sang Jewish songs of peace and demanded an audience with the Federation's chief executive, Naomi Adler. Read more about the action and see our Storify below:
"Protesters Escorted From Philly Jewish Federation in Handcuffs," by Amishai Gottlieb, Eric Berger, and Lisa Hostein, August 8, 2014, Jewish Exponent
"Jewish Voice for Peace Protesters Occupy Lobby, Demand End to Israeli Siege of Gaza," by Joshua Alber, August 9, 2014, Philly Declaration
"Six arrested in civil disobedience at Federation offices in Philly," by Rebecca Alpert, August 9, 2014, Mondoweiss
"Media ignores Jewish anti-war protest at Federation headquarters," by Daniel Denvir, August 11, 2014, City Paper